Monday, March 26, 2012

Slice of Life #26 - What If?

I love eavesdropping on my kids, this is what I heard today while they were eating a snack...

"If you're half dog and half human, then when you eat chocolate, the chocolate goes to the human side."

Oh to be a kid again! I imagine those who write sci fi live in this kind of world more often, more than me anyway. You do see here how her schema of chocolate being dangerous for dogs coming into play! When probed a bit my daughter smirked about the comment and admitted she was eating like a dog and that made her think of it. Too funny. I loved doing that as a kid. When do we stop putting bowls on the floor to act like a cat or a dog? When did play become work?

Bottom line: It gives me perspective! Perspective to cherrish each moment and play more!

Click here to returen to Two Writing Teachers and other slices!


  1. 'What if' is all there is, really. That's how everything gets solved, or done, or at least planned. I love the story, working out the rules to make it all fit well. And I like that perspective at the end-so right.

  2. Play is the work of learning for kids...we so often forget and give them things or organize their play...but our imaginations can only grow if we play and think outside of the box!

  3. Listening in gets all kinds of smiles happening. Your daughter has created a new creature, I'd love to see a drawing, maybe even an inside view to see how the chocolate is diverted. Play on!

  4. I love listening to kids. You never know what you will learn.

  5. I am spending the day with my nieces and nephew. The 3 year old has said the most interesting things. I wish my brain could work like his at times. Love that you captured this and wondered about it.

  6. I love that. You should write all the comments kids say and then write a book. My favorite part was when you said you think people who write sci fi live in that kind of world. I can image that clearly. :D

  7. There's something very exciting for a hs school teacher to get to play with little kids. I can relate :)

  8. Eavesdropping on children's conversations can be incredibly insightful. They took the information they possess, and connect in such imaginative ways. Love this discussion your kids were having!

  9. Yes, when did it become work? I like to find those slices of life when the light shines through just enough to show us the way back to fun...
